Space Nomad

Every now and then we have to do something completely crazy to stop us getting stuck in a rut. Today I changed my plane tickets from ones that would take me to home to London, via New York, to a measly Jet Blue credit note and a flight out of Orlando on the 7th of … More Space Nomad

So many things…

I’ve been a bit slack updating my site of late – but it’s just because so many things have been going on. I didn’t like to write pithy pieces, but then never quite found the time to write the long pieces that I intended. Tut tut. In chronological order, the things that have been keeping … More So many things…

Amazing encounters: Paolo Nespoli at ESOF 2010

There were many cool things about the Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF) in Turin earlier this month. Okay, so the lengthy opening ceremony wasn’t up there as one of them, but the interesting talks, engaging people and general passion for science that was in the air certainly were. I watched a Nobel laureate play a vuvuzela, … More Amazing encounters: Paolo Nespoli at ESOF 2010